Don't Give Up!

Things are changing in Utah.

Utah was a national outlier in the 2024 presidential election.

Yes, Utahns voted overwhelmingly to send Donald Trump back to the Oval Office.  And that's discouraging. But reporting and analysis of Associated Press data from multiple sources are starting to show an exciting trend.

Particularly in Utah's urban areas, anti-Trump sentiment was already growing in November. And now that we are seeing the horrors of Trump 2.0 unfold, even many Trump voters here in our state are expressing concern.

The map below reflects the Associated Press data published by The New York Times (source).  Yes, there is a whole lot of red. But look at the areas with blue dots.  See that? Those blue dots sprinkled through Utah are US.


of counties nationwide shifted towards Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election

24 out of 29

counties in Utah shifted AWAY from Donald Trump

This moment is pivotal.

Things feel pretty scary right now. None of us want to have ended up here, but the one possible silver lining is that pressure is building. Everyday Americans, in larger numbers, are becoming upset enough to start taking steps they haven't taken before. A record number of grassroots efforts like our Indivisible group have risen up since Trump took office for the second time. Now is the time to capitalize on this momentum and join in the fight to take our country back.

Ezra Levin and Leah Greenberg, the leaders of the national Indivisible organization, wrote an incredible op-ed published by The Nation in February 2025. The whole thing is worth reading, but this section near the end is especially compelling reminder of why standing up and speaking out matters, even in areas of the country like ours:

Every time one of us—a family member, a community organizer, a representative, a senator—takes a step forward in this fight, a thousand pairs of eyes watch and learn. Courage is contagious.

Take that step, and steel yourself with the knowledge that you are the defender of a 250-year experiment in self-governance—a real-life pluralistic democracy, imperfect as it is, striving to be more perfect.

Together, we are the opposition, and this is our republic—if we can keep it. This is the part where we keep it. 

—Ezra Levin and Leah Grenblatt, Indivisible founders

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